Invitation for TSS members on the Bisbee Adventure trip: Please join us for dinner and entertainment for the Irish Travelers Sundowner Dinner event from 4pm to 8pm. We will be leaving for the camp promptly at 3:45pm in front of Va Voom store, Bisbee AZ.
Follwing message to Steampunks of the Arizona Territories:
To the high Flat tops of Juniper traveled we have. For a short time do we
make these hidings our home.
Away to the cliffs and craggies and Knock-na-mules we find ourselves.
Away Away to glean mysteries and music. From soaring birds and sunsets.
Away to feast in our own special ways.
Away from the Sentries and Gaolyers who would oppress and famish our
Spirits. Spoiling our pleasures, nay. Never!
Know of yourselves we do. Kindred of a kind perhaps. Welcome in our
Circle you would be. As Travelers we invite you SO.
Come! Bring your many appetites. For food and drink. For dancing and
singing. For Stories. For the warmth of our Fire.
Welcome in our Circles yourselves will be.